
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Differences we have

What is your field of expertise?


  1. My Fellow inventor, we are both great contributors to the Industrialization Era
    , but we are different, I specialize in electricty,while your into photography.

  2. M. Dagurre, you are a scientist. I am a painter. We are different. There is not much to say. I could ramble on and on, but when you think about it thats our only true division.

  3. Although we are similar, you focus more on Science than imaginative writing. You should let your feelings fly in another kind of style, as science doesn't seem to be too expressive!

  4. I see that your own personal histoery showes that you are quite interwined with the upperclass. And was from a very differnt background. And you are more connected with the threater and city , where as i am more connected to the farmers and peasentery !

  5. Mary I simply have to disagree with you. I think that science does allow you to be expressive. That is the inventing part of science. It is you expressing how you feel though technology.
